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Tatum Point Dentistry Celebrates Halloween 2021

At the Tatum Point Dentistry team, we had a blast dressing up as a Dia De Los Muertos Mariachi Band for Halloween this year. With strong connections to Mexican heritage at our office, Dr. Gonzalez wanted to make sure we connected with the Mexican holiday, Dia De Los Muertos, which also happens this time of year.
7 Min Read

What is a Dry Socket? How To Prevent It!

tooth extraction can be followed by a severe and irritating condition, known as a dry socket. A dry socket, medically known as alveolar osteitis, is an excruciating gum disease in which a blood clot is improperly formed at the extraction site. As time passes, and we neglect it, this blood clot is either not developed properly or gets dissolves or dislodged after the extraction of a tooth.
5 Min Read

Dental Implants vs Other Options

Dental implants are state of art in tooth replacement. 98 percent of success rate makes dental implant is the best option to replace your missing teeth. Dental implants are the most advanced way of replacement of missing teeth and are highly recommended as the best long-term tooth replacement option. A dental implant involves a primary surgical procedure in which a dental fixture is placed into the jawbone and allowed to adhere with the jawbone over a period of a few months.

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